Thursday, May 29, 2014

HBR코리아- 토마 피케티 Thoma Piketty, 21세기 자본론

한동안 <정의란 무엇인가>라는 책이 떠들썩했다. 부조리한 우리 사회에서 '정의'라는 인사이트를 준다는 것, 그리고 하버드 대학의 강의라는 타이틀이 절묘하게 맞아 떨어지며 화제가 됐다.

나도 한 때 이 책을 읽어야겠다 마음먹고 '원서'로 주문을 했으나 한 챕터가 채 넘어가지 않았다. 영어의 문제인가 싶어 한글판도 다시 읽어보았지만 마찬가지였다. 언어의 문제라기보다는 내용이 그닥 와닿지 않기 때문이었던 것 같다.

요즘 화제가 되는 책은 프랑스 경제학자 토마 피케티의 <21세기 자본론>인듯 하다. 허핑턴 포스트에서는 피케티의 저서가 커버로 실리기도 했다. 
(링크 :

피케티는 Thomas를 토마로 읽는 토마 피케티는 프랑스의 경제학자다. 영미권에서 주류 경제학을 쥐어잡고 오히려 대륙에서는 사민주의가 발달했던 걸 생각하면 약간은 의외다. (한 트위터에서 프랑스 경제학자가 일본인 목사만큼이나 어색하다고 표현하기도 했다.)

아직 한국에 출간되지 않았고, 아마존에서 주문한 책을 받지 못해 HBR 코리아의 리뷰로 이 책을 먼저 접했다. HBR의 편집장 저스틴 폭스가 요약한 글이 이번 HBR 코리아 5월호에 실렸다.

피케티의 저서를 요약한 걸 다시 요약하면 자본의 성장은 전체 경제의 그것보다 빠르다. 이런 자본의 성장은 결국 사회 전체의 불평등을 증가시키고 있다. 프랑스의 경우 혁명 직전 불평등이 최고점에 이르렀고 1차세계대전 즈음부터 해소되었다 다시 최근 악화되고 있다. 전세계적으로도 비슷한 경향성을 보였고, 결국 이는 자본파괴와 높은 세금이 있던 시기에 평등한 사회가 되었다는 것이다. 

슈퍼매니저라던가 초대형 거대 자본같은 것들이 나타나면서 돈이 돈을 낳는 사회는 더욱 고착화되고 있다고 그는 지적했다.

이런 문제에 대한 방법론으로 전세계적인 차원에서 누진적 부유세를 제안한다. 2퍼센트의 부유세를 제안하자고 하는 주장은 사실 앞의 설명처럼 신선하거나 뭔가가 파격적이지만은 않다. 왜 2퍼센트인지 기사 요약문에는 나오지 않았기 때문에 책을 봐야 알 것 같다.

이 기사와 더불어 다른 기사를 찾아 책의 내용을 더 살펴보니 '마르크스'의 혁명도 부정한 점에 있어서는 제3의 길이라는 느낌도 준다. 

이코노미스트에서 조금 더 자세하게 4문단으로 정리했다고 해서 읽어봤는데 HBR 편집장이 요약한 것과 많이 다르진 않았다. (

프랑스에서 미국으로 그리고 전세계의 화두를 던졌고, 지금 다시 주류 경제학계 (a.k.a. 천조국)에서는 이 책에 실린 데이터의 오점을 찾는데 혈안이 된 상황.

책을 읽어봐야 알겠지만, 이 책에 인용된 영국 소설 '제인 오스틴'에 나오는 모습이 지금 내가 살고 있는 21세기 영국과 별반 다르진 않다. Posh하다는 말로 선을 그으며 '이건 내 클래스의 바운더리 안에서는 할 수 없는 일'이라고 말하는 게 너무나도 일상화된 이 사회가 과연 평등한 사회일까?

한국에서는 자본이 모든 계급을 대신했지만 이곳에서는 자본과 함께 계급이 존재한다는 사실이 아직도 적응이 안되고 (둘은 거의 같이가는 편) 그런 면에 있어서는 돈만 있으면 되는 우리나라가 나은건가? 하는 의문도 든다.

이 책도 결국 확실한 대안을 주진 못했지만 이런 책을 읽으면 읽을 수록 느끼는건 뭔가 모호한 문제가 전세계에 스며들어 분명하게 사람들을 병들게 하고 있다는 점이다. 

Sunday, May 25, 2014

Sleepless in Manchester

First, I don't enjoy much of sleeping.

Even I considered that, I haven't slept enough within few days, like yesterday for 2 hours, before, 3and half?

When people hear about this, they said "I'm jealous you can exploit whole day" but actually, I don't do anything when I wake up from 4 to 7.

If I work on that time, I could make more money or something really productive like create something or write article.

But the fact is I DON'T DO ANYTHING, I just EXIST.

I tried to do work MCFC one or Film ones, but it never works.

I focus on nothing and I don't know what really I am doing. Recently I need to sort out tons of paperworks but haven't started yet.

And tonight again.....

I wish I could cut off my brain when I am sleeping,, not too worrying about future or plans till planZ.

It just message from my body and soul that I am too nervous.....but I cannot help everything got on my nerve :@

Saturday, May 24, 2014

5월 23일

홍콩 첵랍콕을 떠난 지 벌써 3년이 됐다. 곧 다시 가겠지 곧 다시 가겠지 했지만 아직까지 한 번도 가지 못했다.

물론 지금 다시 Kowloon Tong에 간다해도 내가 아는 사람은 한 명도 없고, 내가 알던 학교도 예전의 그 학교가 아니겠지. 더더욱 나는 교환학생이었고 학부 교수님들은 정말 하나도 알지 못했으니 말이다.

지금 생각해보면 그 1년이 나를 엄청나게 바꾼 것 같다.

홍콩이 아니었다면 이곳 영국을 올 생각도 하지 못했을거고, 외국에서 살고 싶어하는 마음조차 없었을지도.

맨체스터에 와서 이곳에서 살며 다시 이렇게 지낸다는게 신기하고 이게 운명인가 하는 마음까지 들 정도로 내 인생이 계획과 다르게 흘러가고 있다.

보고싶다고 하지만 그 구체적인 대상이 누군지는 모르겠다. <상실의 시대>에서처럼 그 때 당시엔 글 한 자를 쓰려고 해도 너무 많아서 쓸 수가 없었는데, 요즘엔 희미한 기억 속에서 뚜렷한 하나를 부여잡고 되새기면서 글을 써내려가게 된다.

아마 홍콩은 올해도, 내년에도 가진 못할 것 같다. 언젠가 기억이 희미하고 무뎌질 때쯤 그때 다시 돌아가 내가 여기 왔었나? 하면서 정말 평범한 관광객처럼 사진을 찍고 돌아다니겠지.

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Back to real

The very last minute of Berlin was too much beautiful.

It was same place as I've stayed almost one week, however the true face of Berlin just came out this morning.

I had some expectations as last year, cause I was waiting one call and it didn't happen.

Whatever will be will be. I truly fully believe and I believed in that phrase so badly during this holiday which made me even sick of everythings.......:/

I'm pretty much enjoying my job and life in her so far, however I know I couldn't stop in this stage and I've started to move forward as my bliss want to go. But reality is reality, sometimes even I too much long for something, it doesn't happen.

Miracle doesn't come true hence it's miracle which people only imagined of.

Feel so lost, tired (mentally and physically both!)

Anyways my travel ended up in this way and it's me. I cannot take of my anxiety.

Friday, May 16, 2014

1 YEAR After Paris

I cannot believe I survived again!

Today, Officially Marie Juhyun Lee, who was born in 16th of May, 1988 in Anyang, became 26-year-old.
Last year of same day, when my age became 1/4 of century, I was in Paris,  I think I was near Palais de Tokyo or Modern Art Center in Paris. Anyway it's almost similar in this year too.

I expected something in Berlin, but actually it's typical day, just different location.

I worked few hours for film company, as screener sent to Singapore office didn't work properly I need to contact producers and rearrange the schedules.

I worked and walked lot. It's my 3rd day in Berlin, however, I haven't seen the Berlin wall nor Brandenburg Gate yet. I don't know what I'm doing in here, just work and walk in silence.

I am not interested in culture of Germany, like how Nazi did and greatness of Imperium Romanum Sacrum and not big fan of beer (VERY TRUE!). Only reason picking up Berlin in this year was I just want to try something new.

And impression of Berlin is quite different than I imagined or read about it from magazine or blogs.

It's quite calm, and big huge city. I messaged my sister that 'It's very similar to Beijing, big giant and still can feel some legacy of Communism'. Wide road comparing with that of Paris, it's massive big and huge. Structure of subway (*underground) is very similar to subway in Pyeong-yang, which made me uncomfortable in someway. Very angled buildings without any decoration nor carved columns. Just massive cement boxes flocked together along with street.

I was overwhelmed by complicated feeling, like job hunting, decision making, and the future of my usual. Everyone says just take it easy but I say again, people can say take it easy since it's not their business. I also say take it easy to my friend, but it comes on me never ever happened.

어떻게 됐든...마지막 내 꿈 하나 이루고 돌아갈 수 있었으면 좋겠다. 제발.

Thursday, May 8, 2014

Vicious Circle

Again. Yes Again.

I'm in Vicious circle.

Everything looks fine but not fine actually. Not sure about my future and everything looks so blurred. 

I'm not comparing to other who already achieved glories, but I cannot help analyze myself and find I am nothing.

City does well, they are going to win the title again in 3 years. It sounds great, and actually good for me. Less than one year, I've been seeing two titles in hand, however, not my hand their hand.

I was talking to my sister "I feel like I am small tiny COMPONENT. I've got goal but it's not my goal and I'm so frustrating if I cannot achieve my goal in my life." and she told me it's kind of learning process I need to work on , for the time being enjoy the travel not to get destination directly. 

Okay okay, good. I know I know I know.

As time goes by, I feel like everyone is going forward, everyone is improving except me.

I cannot help this stupid crazy feeling getting on my nerve since few weeks ago. Decent degree younger than me, smart, and already have numerous achievements in their career.

Where I am and where should I go further?

I need breakthrough soon.  

경기를 보다가 쟤넨 우승컵이라는 목표라도 있어서 죽자고 뛰는데 난 뭐하고 있나 이런 생각이 들었다. 

어제 경기 직전에 탈락메일 받고 나니깐 이젠 '여기까지가 끝인가 보오 이제 나는 돌아서겠소 억지 노력으로 인연을 거슬러 괴롭히지는 않겠소' 라는 노랫말만 떠오르고 머리가 멍하다. 

Tuesday, May 6, 2014


Here are five things not to do in an intern interview. These five choices may surprise you.
  1. Word overuse – I’m guilty of this myself, but when you say the words “like” and “um”all the time it abruptly stops the conversation. Try working on this by making your friends or family interview you.
  2. Nervousness – It’s okay to be nervous. Points are never counted against you, but don’t use that as an excuse not to look your interviewer(s) in the eye when you speak. Be confident -- you have just as good a chance as anyone else.
  3. Don’t pretend – You may have seven other companies looking to take you as an intern and I’m not one of your first choices. It will be obvious you don’t care and you have no interest, even if you think it isn’t... Mama didn’t raise no dumby.
  4. Preparation – This is one of the best things you can do for yourself. Be prepared when you step in the interview. Tell me why I should hire you, because if you make it to an in-person interview, I want to.
  5. Be normal and happy – Be genuine. I could get lost in conversations with interviewees who were just natural and happy in their interview, despite their nervousness. This resonates, because if you’re in that final phase of selection, we already know you’re qualified.

okay...that's why. 


In the film <In the Mood of Love>, there's many sequence of  Mr. Chow and Mrs.Su, having meal without conversation.

Jung Sung-il, film critics, wrote on his book that "Choosing meal instead of tea, which is more common in Hong Kong, was intention of director Wong Kar-wai. Obviously they had secret relationships, hence they are reluctant to talk to each other. If you have tea, it requires 'conversation', so he chose meal with silence."

I roughly translated that paragraph which is I totally agree with. 

I like to have coffee with people I want to know more and be friend with, instead of meal or drink.

In Korean tradition, having meal has big meaning as sharing time and drinking together weights off burden of pressure in social relationship and get closer. I've been grown up within Korean culture, however,  for this I'm not in.

Meal is too much, picking cuisine, and having meal whilst conversations sometimes turned out to be obstacle for getting some point of talk. And....drinking....well. I do not believe idiom of 'Truth is in the wine', as my experience I always ended up with painful hangover and blackout, arraying the pieces of last night party.( My last puzzle was Christmas party. )

And I'm not fan of tea including English, Green, Herbal, etc,. It's just some dried grass with hot water for me.
My choice is Coffee, always.

Recently I have explored cafe in Manchester, reaching out from Northern Quarter to  Chorlton with my colleagues and friends.

I found it doesn't matter which language I speak in , mainly using English, but really doesn't matter. It's kind of ritual that emptying out your mind and make room in your heart. I'm bit concerning about containing too much emotions within myself and few days chatting relived me so much.

Although it's not fundamental solution of my problem, and I know how it could be solved but I also know I cannot help but time will do. 

And till by then, I just wait with dark black colored liquid, soothing tsuris by the level I can endure.