Thursday, November 29, 2012


마음같아서는 밥이고 뭐고 때려치고 집에 가고 싶은 마음이었지만,
내가 먹고 살아야 집에도 간다는 마음으로 또 CHINA TOWNNNNNN :)

나 알콜 중독 아닌데...
여기 와서 맥주 한 번 마셨나?
need drinking m8 :( 레이몬드, 페이슨, 존, 맷, 제이콥........그리고 신촌을 누비는 어린 영혼들 ㅠ.ㅠ

하마터면 집을뻔. 하지만 0.75....
그거면 난 물을 두 병 살 수 있으니까....

김치째개는 뭉근한 불에(이걸 어떻게 번역해야함? 뭉근하다니!)
오래 끓여야 맛있다고 해서 진짜 네 시 부터 찌개 준비 해서 끓임
저기 고기 볶음은 그냥 고추장+굴소스+간장 때려넣고 파프리카+양파 남은 거 볶음
요리는 원래 남은 거 때려넣는 거 아닌가요? ^^

김치찌개는 묵은 지로 끓여야 제맛인데
어쩔 수 없다 그래도 ㅠ.ㅠ
돼지고기도 왜 껍데기에 털이 있지....
영국사람들은 이것도 먹나?
아무리 먹을 게 없었어도....하....^^;;
그래도 두부 너무 맛있게 먹음.
앞으로 당분간 두부 열심히 먹어야지.
단단한 두부는 한국이랑 맛이 똑같다. 저거 데쳐서 간장만 찍어먹어도 행복할 것 같음.
내일은 아마 그렇게 먹지 않을까. 집에 쌀이 똑 떨어졌으니.......^^;; 라면은 먹지 않겠다는 '의지'
(하지만 김치찌개 국물 맛이 좀 덜한 것 같아 나는 마법 수프를 집어들게 되오....)

열무김치 비벼먹는 것도 사실 여기 와서 처음 해봤는데
물도 많고 내 스타일은 아닌 것 같다.

음, 남은 밥을 그냥 저녁에 양보할 걸 그랬나요,
김치를 조금만 덜 넣을걸 그랬나요,
여튼 스웨덴 다녀올 때까지 한식 안녕 ㅠ.ㅠ

Monday, November 26, 2012

golden time

드디어 골든타임 끝!
한국에서 보다가 거의 두 달 만에 다시 보게 됐는데 
이민우쌤, 강재인쌤은 그대로.

생각보다 현실적인 결말, 그리고 나랑도 좀 비슷해보이는 이 상황때문에
사이클 위에서 보면서 웃다가 울다가.

서른 살이 됐으면 준비가 다 됐을까, 마흔 살이 됐으면 준비가 다 됐을까.
모든 게 준비 다 된 상황에 닥치는 위기가 어디 있을까.

영국에 오게 되면서 왜 난 영어를 좀 더 공부하지 않았을까, 왜 난 아이엘츠를 알지도 못했고
왜 난 조금 더 준비하지 못하고 급하게 도망쳐왔을까.
왜 지금 나한테만 이랬을까 하고 항상 생각했는데,
거기서 피하면 피할 수록 더 뒤쳐진다는 걸 배웠다.

어젯밤에 자꾸 꿈에서 나와선 안될 사람이 나와서 잠도 제대로 못자고 오늘 하루를 뒤척였는데
결국 운동가서 본 골든타임은, 지금 이 순간이 내 골든타임이라고 다시 한 번 말하고 갔다.

속상하고 속도 안좋았는데 배추에 김치 찍어 먹으니 살 것 같다.
앞으로 혼자 있을 때는 자주 먹을 것 같다.
여기 오니까 점점 벽에 둘러쌓이는 느낌.

그리고 제발, 운세랑 별점 그만 보자. 

Sunday, November 25, 2012


클럽에서 또 미친 척 하고 놀다가 집에 들어왔다.
날도 좋은 일요일이었는데 열두시까지 골골대다가 겨우 일어나서 gym 갔다가 나오니 벌써 해가 저뭇저뭇.
오늘 구름이 참 신기했다.

다섯 시도 채 안됐는데 벌써 달이 떴다.
달이 참 예뻐서, 아니 분위기 있어서 그냥 밖에 걸으면서 누구랑 전화하고 싶었는데
전화번호부를 내려다보다가 그냥 슈퍼에서 장을 보고 집에 들어왔다.

여기서 가장 힘든 건 영어도, 돈이 없는 것도 아니고 그냥, 혼자서 모든 걸 다 해야하고 혼자라는 생각이 나를 잡아먹으려고 하는 것 같다.
사람의 온기가 그립다.

Friday, November 23, 2012

Onion Rice

I don't eat ramen, instant noodle, frozen meal.
And I've got bored of eating oatmeal and bread.

It's not homely home food, but nicely spicy :D

1. Fry chopped garlic with olive oil
2. Fry onions with garlic and put some soy sauce(or salt), plum squash(or just skip), RED PEPPER POWDER!
3. Drop a bit of sesame oil
4. Take bowl of rice
5. Put on fries and add fried egg(runny yorky!)

I am alright and be better soon, no worries :D
유진이가 프랑스에서 해먹었다는 양파밥, 거기다가 매운 거 툭툭 해주니 우왕ㅋ굳ㅋ
빵보다 간단하니까 앞으로는 자주 해먹을 듯.
현미 사다가 현미로도 해먹어야겠다. 물론...돈이 생.....기면요....

가영이랑 통화하고 나 뿐만 아니라 내 옆에 있는 사람까지 내가 힘들게 하고 있다는 걸 또 깨달았다.
그리고 그건 음....윙, 칼리, 카린, 에리카...그리고 헤븐이었던 그 애까지도 짜증나고 우울하게 만들었지.

밥이라도 잘 챙겨먹자! 운동도: )
다이어터 다시 보니까 재밌네. 오늘 서류도 하나 쓰고 밥도 해먹고 좋다 좋아

Monday, November 19, 2012

Chinese supermarket

I love cooking, especially when I'm not in Korea. 
All people knows that I'm quite depressed in cold, whether I'm in Korea or somewhere else. And finally WINTER COMES.

I couldn't concentrate on my work nor sleep tight. I know I should be strong and positive but can't help.

My only way to feel better is DRINKING or COOKING.
Sadly my roommate doesn't like beer (I miss THAT3 so much and junction park) so only cooking can help me.

Today I was supposed to go out for bank account stuff, but I was quite lazy(actually so badly), and when I got off, it was already 5pm. 

Instead I bounded for Chinese supermarket next to Taipan restaurant.

There are other supermarkets in Manchester town, but this one is super massive big huge as Costco! :O

I love 떡볶이, but couldn't get proper 떡. Today, in the end I got it!

And I took thousands of photos in there, (sounds weird, but I was so happy to just see Korean stuffs)

I can have homely home food more now. But still can't get over missing home, mom's lovely food and chilling with family.


what I had today. 
2 T/s chilly paste, 1 t/s chilly powder 1 T/s Sugar, 1/2 T/s soy sauce, 1 t/s strawberry jam
rice cake, spring onion, fish ball, egg, instant noodle

boil and done! :)

Monday, November 12, 2012


York was nice place to go day trip, actually I hadn't seen that much of York for watching short film instead.

York Station, Big but not busy as Manchester Piccadily

I went York for seeing my friends' work "New With Tags" and seeing short films around there. I met Matt and Jammy when I was in Hong Kong, and met Adam when I visited Bristol in last winter. 
I like commercial movies than short, art films but I quite enjoyed film in ASFF. Some of them are hard to get the meaning but scene effect and way to convey narrative is quite different to Korean way. Basically more direct, more brutal, more sexual (it doesn't contain negative meaning). Korean film is more moderate, neutral comparing to British one.

Scenery of  York

 My friend, Matt devoted himself to watching more films so this sandwich and scone was my breakfast and lunch. We said "let's having some food now" but he said "how about going drama...@#$#@" Gosh, but since he pushed us to cinema, I could watch lot of films in one day.

I was quite shocked for venues. To be honest, I like big film, big venue. But it's for going out and watching Hollywood stuffs. I wanna feel something different in Film Festival. However it's hard to get this in Korea, for example in BIFF (actually it was PIFF when I visited there), they used multiplex cinema to have film festival. I can go CGV in Seoul and all over Korea, so hard to feel authentic local community cinema. 
ASFF, in contrast, used local places like basement of bar, library, local office building(pictured one), or some cinematheque instead of fancy new big standardized multiplex. Venue 1311 with cozy comfi sofa and bin bag was best venue ever, and I could feel long, historical tradition in that places.

Sadly I can't get all the meaning of film and sometimes failed to focus on film, so draw something or do moleskine. One of my favorite film was about old performer playing clown doll. It made me think about life and faded seaside amusement park brought back memories of old time.

Sadly I came back in Manchester at same day, but it was worthy visit even I went out the day before York. (Back home at 4am and took 7.50 am) I was falling sleep shortly during screening.

It will be happy if I can make money by what I want to, but unless not, I need to do what I don't like. 
Yup, it's step to be mature boring adults, but I try to enjoy it.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012


1. It's already been 'wintery' autumn, (basically according to global warming every place has shorter autumn than before). And this season is always hard and tough on me, and it's gonna be same too. I felt depressed, blue, sad 24/7. Cloudy, windy, no sunshine, no warm air anymore. 

I'm quite happy, I met friend from US who I met in Hong Kong, and we had small reunion in Manchester, gossiping and giggling, chilling. But I realized it couldn't be same as before, and everything changes. Same thing cannot be happened again in one's life. And it will be same on my life in UK.

But, but, but, I am mentally exhausted, lost. 
where am I now? where should I go? what should I do?

I finally get understanding Watanabe.

2. Every people in UK has big Primark bag, realizing global economic crisis even affects ordinary days in this way. Congratulations, Mr. Obama! And deadly so badly hope you do better than before.

Thanks, this wouldn't happen again. 
And his victory speech is so emotional :-)